The St Clair and District Men's Shed

The St Clair and District Men's Shed is a non-profit, community based organisation, for retired men.


Our Patron
Tanya Davies MP
State Member for Mulgoa

Our Projects

Christmas Tree

Dec 2021

Mary Contacted us via Facebook, asking if we could build the pictured Christmas Tree. Dave constructed the tree as pictured. Mary was exceedingly pleased with the tree.

Cutlery trays for The Day Club at St Marys RSL

Aug 2021

The Day Club at St Marys RSL, asked us to make some Cutlery trays for them Dave our resident carpenter took the job and has done a great job.

Blackboard for Penrith Council

May 2021

Dave Greaves, John Webster and various other members have built a Blackboard for Penrith Council. It has now been placed beside the Street Libraries and Food Pantry, in Wainwright Park at Kingswood. Many thanks to Andrew Moody, Dave Greaves and Paul Tarlinton for delivering the finished Blackboard and seeing it placed in position

Blackboard for Penrith Council

May 2021

Dave Greaves, John Webster and various other members are building a Blackboard for Penrith Council. On completion it will be placed beside the Street Libraries and Food Pantry, in Wainwright Park at Kingswood

Draughts Set

May 2021

This Draughts Set was designed and made by Neil Baker for his family funt took a steady hand and a good eye to get the squares correct. Good Job Neil !!

Family Heirloom Refurbished

Mar 2021

Jason, Our resident French Polisher, has refurbished this cupboard for Owen. The Cupboard is a family heirloom that belonged to his partner Annett's, Grandmother. Annette is now passing it on to her daughter who lives in Canberra.

No Loafing Around

Oct 2019

Ken H did such a good job with the four Picnic tables for Rutherglen Community Centre at Blackett, that they asked him if he could also make two bread stands for their mini supermarket. Ken, with some help from our Vice president Allan W, made the two bread stands to hold a total of ten plastic bread trays. Each bread tray is angled towards the front, such that when the front loaf is removed from the tray, the rest slide down, making the next loaf available. Tony B helped the boys deliver the stands today and Vicky, the Rutherglen Community Centre Manager, was happily on hand to receive them. Another great job guys.

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Oct 2019

Old MacDonald Childcare asked us to build them 8 planter boxes in the shape of cows. Our President, Ian P, took over the project from Allan W, after Allan's wife had health issues. He put together the cow bodies, so that the rectangular planter boxes fitted snuggly inside. Then he cut out all of the cow body parts, including front and rear legs, heads, noses and tails. After a coat of white paint, followed by black spots (special thanks to Ian's wife Jen) the cows were ready for assembly, which was done with the help of Michael P. The cows were delivered today and were a big hit with the children, or at least that is what I "herd". Great work Ian, quite a mooooving story.

On The Boardwalk

Oct 2019

Ten of our members today went to the Caddies Creek Public School at Glenwood, near Blacktown to help the school construct a 47 metre boardwalk among a tree studded section of their garden. The school wanted to teach their students about sustainable gardening. The Principal, Mrs. Jennifer Henson designed the boardwalk and all the materials were supplied by Blacktown Bunnings. Our members, led by Joe B and Tony B did a sterling job and split into 3 teams to dig the post holes and assemble the rails. The deck boards were then cut and installed to complete the job. The job was made more difficult due to there being a total of nine bends to construct. The Principal was extremely happy with the job that our members did. Well done guys!!

Ahoy Ye Shipmates

Aug 2019

Arrrrr, one of me shipmates, Tony B, made a pirate ship for the Harold Wheen PreSchool at St Clair. With lots of help from John W and some of the other scurvy members of the shed crew the ship was ready to launch under the Jolly Roger in no time. Tony delivered the ship to Harold Wheen today and Amy, a preschool assistant, couldn't wait to get on board. Looks like she had fun and Tony didn't make her walk the plank. Blow me down and shiver me timbers, a fine job me hearties.

Picnic Tables for Rutherglen Community Centre

Aug 2019

Our Shed was asked to build some large picnic tables for the Rutherglen Community Centre in Anderson Road, Blackett. Ken H took on the task and he and Job B delivered the tabled last week. Ken H and Allan W paid another visit to Rutherglen Community Centre today and were luck enough to meet up with Ed Husic, the Federal Member for Chifley, who just happened to be visiting the Centre at the same time. Going by the photo, everyone was keen to try out our new picnic tables.

Holy Cross

Jun 2019

JP Abood brought to us a large wooden cross that CatholicCare had purchased. It is designed to be hung onto a wall, but we were asked if we could instead make it free-standing. One of our members, Joe B, took the project on and carved a notch in the top of a large piece of tree log that was given to the shed some time ago. He fitted the cross into the notch and secured the cross with brackets. He then put the whole thing onto another wooden base. The result far exceeded JP's expectation and sister Vivienne was more than happy with the job that Joe B had done. Great job Joe!!

Creche Cubby House

May 2019

A while ago, the ladies running the creche at Mamre House asked us if we could build them a cubby house for the creche play area. Fortunately, two cubby houses were kindly donated to us by the Hunters Hill Men's Shed, who had had them stored at their shed for some time and were looking for someone to make use of them. David G, with the help of Milton and John W joined these two cubby houses together to make one larger one for the children. A bit of engineering was involved in the process of joining them together and a couple of the walls had to be slightly modified as well. The cubby was official handed over to the creche today and the ladies and the children put on a special morning tea for us as a thank you for our efforts. It is great to see so many smiling faces.

Emmaus Table Tennis Table

May 2019

Emmaus Catholic College asked us to make them a timber outdoor table tennis table. Allan W took charge of this project and with the help of a few of our members completed the table and delivered it to Emmaus today. It was too heavy to deliver in one piece, so it was transported in two parts and had to be assembled on site. Harvey Anchique, the Business Manager of Emmaus Catholic College, was on hand to accept the table on behalf of the students. Harvey is show pictured with Allan W, Tony and John W. A great job Allan, I'm sure the students will have lots of fun using your new table tennis table.

More Emmaus Buddy Benches

Feb 2019

We have just completed two more Buddy Benches for Emmaus Catholic College at Kemp's Creek. Tony and Allan W secured them to the rear of Tony's truck and delivered them today. Emmaus Catholic College Business Manager, Harvey Anchique, met Tony and Allan and was happy to accept the benches on behalf of the College. He was so pleased with the eight Buddy Benches that we have made for Emmaus so far, that he immediately put in another order for four more benches. We will, of course, be happy to build and deliver these extra benches to the College, bringing the total number of benches that we will have supplied to twelve.

The Gardeners

Feb 2019

Some of our members, Bob, Allan and John, were vocal about starting a vegetable garden near our Shed. CatholicCare kindly allocated a number of beds in their garden area for our members to use. So far they have harvested beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis and potatoes. They currently have a crop of pumpkins growing, as can be seen in the photo, which will be ready for harvesting in the coming weeks. The vegetables grown by the guys are available for all of our members to take home. I can assure you that they taste great, much better than the store bought vegetables.

Jack and Jill Seat

Jan 2019

At a Bunnings Warehouse BBQ late last year, a woman named Leanne Ongley from South Wentworthville, was talking to one of our members about our Shed and what sort of things that we do. When she heard that we made Jack and Jill seats she immediately put in an order for one. One of our members, David G, built the seat for her and painted it in her chosen colours of green and gold. The seat was picked up today from our Shed and she was very happy with the final result. The photo shows the seat ready for pick up. Well done Dave!!

Looks Like Reindeer

Dec 2018

Ian P made a set of three reindeer for our shed patron and local State Member, the Hon. Tanya Davies. She saw them when she visited our shed a few weeks ago and ordered a set straight away, for her home. Ian P set about the job to get them finished for her before Christmas, which he achieved. Tanya sent her driver to our shed today to pick up and pay for all three reindeer. We are certain that she will be happy with the results. Tanya kindly sent me a photo of the reindeer assembled in the foyer of her house. She tells me that her 2 year old son is absolutely fascinated by them.

Little Red Fire Engine That Could

Dec 2018

Our resident toy maker, Peter, made a fire engine suitable for a small child. When it was finished, he put it on his personal Facebook page to sell it and he got a huge response. He sold it to Gus Gillis, seen in the photo with Peter, on behalf of the Alkeringa Castlereagh Pre-School and Long Day Care centre. Gus visited our shed today to pick up the fire engine and was pleased with the result. I think a couple of the kids were happy with it as well, judging by their faces.

Balcony Seating

Oct 2018

After quite a few months of work, Ian P completed making L-shaped seating boxes for his daughter (Amy's) balcony. One side of the seats has two lift up hinged lids, which allows two plastic boxes to be stored, containing cushions. Ian P also made a wooden screen to partially hide the air-conditioner in the far corner of the balcony. The seating boxes and screen were delivered today to Amy's apartment, thanks to Ian B and his 4WD. Amy loved her new seating so much that she passed on to our shed a thank you card containing a small donation for the time and effort spent.

More Emmaus Benches

Aug 2018

Four more Buddy Benches were delivered this week, by Tony and Allan, to Emmaus Catholic College at Kemps Creek. Harvey Anchique, the College Manager, was on hand to accept the delivery of them. Harvey said that he was very happy with all of the benches that he had received from us and was seriously considering ordering a couple more. So far we have supplied a total of six benches to Emmaus Catholic College. True to his word, Harvey contacted Allan a few days later and ordered two more Buddy Benches, bringing the total to eight.

Making Myna Bird Traps

Apr 2018

We were asked by the Blacktown City Council to make twenty Myna bird traps. These traps are to be loaned to locals to catch Myna birds in their area so that they could be disposed of in a humane way. Darryl was in charge of this project and it was quite an exercise to bend the wire and clamp the bits together, using special clips. Vertical tunnels were added so that the Myna birds could get to the holding cage, but could not get back out again. The traps were completed this week and delivered to the Council by one of our members, Allan.

Busy Boards

Mar 2018

Established in 1972, Playgroup NSW is the peak body representing playgroups across the state. They are a not-for-profit membership organisation dedicated to supporting families and strengthening local communities through playgroups. Hasret Mehmedali, Coordinator Community Playgroup Development, contacted us about making "busy boards" for their Worlds Biggest Playgroup Day at Tumbalong Park in Darling Harbour on 28th March, for children aged 0 to 6 years old. Bunnings Blacktown kindly donated all of the material required and Darryl quickly made two "busy boards". Karen from Playgroup NSW (pictured with Darryl and Andrew) picked up the "busy boards" today, in time for the event next week.

Siggy's Bus

Feb 2018

It's a Small World Childcare Centre at Seven Hills asked us if we could make a "bus" for their children to play on. Siggy took it upon himself to take up the challenge. He used two treated pine sleepers, which he screwed together and planed to make sure that there was no splinters. He then attached six small seats to the top of the timber and finished it off with a "steering wheel". I'm not sure who had the most fun riding in the bus when it was delivered, the children or the Shed members. Judging by the photo, I think that it was Siggy Tony, Milton and Darryl for sure!

Mamre House Desk

Feb 2018

We were asked by the Mamre House people if we could modify one of their tables to make it into a Modesty Desk for Sister Vivian. Daryll carried out the work on the desk which was completed this week. Both Jean Pierre Abood and Sister Viviann (pictured with Aurel and Darryl) were happy to be on hand when the refurbished desk was delivered.

Emmaus Benches

Feb 2018

After being approached by Allan, Emmaus Catholic College ordered two Buddy Benches for their school at Kemps Creek. David took on the role as Project Manager for this project and with a little help from painter John, completed the colourful pastel benches. The benches were delivered today by Tony and Allan, who could not wait to try one of them out. Melinda Bowd (pictured with Tony and Allan), Assistant Principal of Emmaus Catholic College was so happy with the results, that she immediately ordered four more benches, which we are now in the process of building.

Dolls House

Dec 2017

We made some dolls houses earlier this year. Jean Pierre Abood, from CatholicCare at Mamre House, saw them and asked if we could make an extra one as a Christmas present for his niece. It was finished well ahead of schedule and was handed over to JP on our last day prior to the Christmas break. I hope his niece has a great Christmas with her new dolls house.

Creating a Scene

Jan 1970

Last November, CatholicCare asked our Shed if we could make a Nativity Scene for them, to be displayed on the grounds of Mamre House this Christmas. It took a lot of effort by a number of our members, including many hours of drawing, cutting and painting, but it was completed on time last month. The Nativity Scene was put into position today, beneath one of the trees close to the Mamre Homestead. I think that the guys did a terrific job and the people at Mamre House were extremely happy with the outcome.

Toys to Help Domestic Violence

Jan 1970

Kelly Parker and Teresa Luccitti from Domestic Violence Service Management (DVSM) came to our Shed today to pick up a whole bunch of toys that we made for them. These toys included castles, petrol stations, racing cars, ships and helicopters, made by some of our members. Many thanks to one of our members, Peter, who put a lot of effort into designing and making these toys.

A Big Coop for Emmaus Retirement Village

Jan 1970

The Emmaus Retirement Village , at Kemps Creek, purchased a chicken coop for their resident retirees. Unfortunately, it came as a flat pack and they were unable to assemble it. Three of our SCADMS members were glad to help out. Allan, Ian and Tony put in a couple of hours work to put it all together and as the photo shows, they did a "eggcellent" job. The coop has a small hen house at one end for the chickens to lay their eggs, as well to shelter in at night time. There is also a run, so the chickens can stretch their legs during the day. The boys were cock-a-hoop when they were unexpectedly rewarded with lunch, including dessert in the dining room and two dozen eggs to share between them as a thank you. Well done guys!!

Scott's Rocking Chair

Jan 1970

Pauline Attard from Penrith FACS asked us to help find a rocking chair for one of her house share young men, Scott. We were unable to find one for her, so we decided to build one instead, from recycled pallets. Scott has broken all of the rocking chairs that he has had in the past, so, we have built him one that we think will last for a long time. Ian Pike (the Project Supervisor) on Scott's right and President Tony Briffa delivered the chair to Scott and he was excited to try it out. Scott loves his new rocking chair especially the blue colour and we hope that he will spend many many hours enjoying it and listening to his radio.

Mamre Creche New Kitchen

Jan 1970

We renovated the children's play kitchen at the Mamre House creche. We renovated a small oven, a sideboard and even the kitchen sink. The kids came by "The Shed" this afternoon to say thank you and to present us with a poster that they made for us.

NADO Project

Jan 1970

We made a box filled with different shaped wooden blocks for the people at NADO Penrith. In order to get the NADO people involved, we have left the blocks unfinished so that they can sandpaper and paint the blocks themselves. NADO is a community based charity that supports people with disabilities, their families and carers in the Nepean Region. Our Vice President, Allan Ward handed over the blocks to one of the NADO carers, Sharyn Gale. Sharyn is shown here with a number of the NADO people holding the blocks. They all stayed for morning tea with our members. We are proud to support NADO and the wonderful work that they do.

Buddy Benches for Local primary School

Jan 1970

We made two Buddy Benches for Bennett Road Primary School. They were painted bright colours and delivered to the school. A Buddy Bench is somewhere for the children to sit if they are being bullied or they do not have someone to play with. The older students are taught that if they see someone sitting on one of the Buddy Benches, then they are to encourage them to join in with them.